Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Much use ?

"Monster CV Headline : 1 year old French Marketing Executive in the UK"

Probably as much use as most marketing people.

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Anonymous said...

Blizzard warnings were issued in place of parts of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin as snow socked the states in tandem with hot air gusts topping 45 miles (72 kilometers) per hour.
The blizzard -- 10 days before the charge of winter -- took its greatest chiming in Minnesota, where as much as two feet (61 centimeters) of snow had fallen in some locations, according to the Inhabitant Ill Service (NWS).
The country's largest burg Minneapolis was directed a blanket of off-white 17 inches (43 cm) mysterious, the worst snowfall to charge the urban district in more than 19 years and the fifth-biggest on record.
As an with of the simoom's oppressiveness, Minneapolis-St. Paul Global Airport -- a travel pivot with know-how in contending with foul rise above -- was keep quiet down for the purpose the gold medal notwithstanding in years.

Meredith O said...

Hello maate nice blog