Thursday, July 03, 2008

I have low expectations

"Previously at Starbucks Coffee Co. the position I occupied allowed me to serve customers and exceed their expectations, by providing them with the right product"

What ? Surely that's meeting expectations isn't it ?
Or did the conversation go like this ?

"I'd like a large Americano please."
"Certainly Madam, here is your large Americano"
"Wow. Thank you for my large Americano. That's more than I could have hoped for !"

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Anonymous said...

A large Americano in Starbucks speak is known as a 'grande' so by respoding to someone in plain English and not replacing a perfectly good word(as is their habit)for some absurd substitution, you may well be surpassing expectations

Anonymous said...

In addition to RE-reading a resume, it's a good idea to have a company that specializes in resumes rework it if it's not well-done. I found a company that has been in business since 1995. They're at

Cashmere JL said...

that really cracked me up!
Tell me did that really happen?

Anonymous said...

Please BEWARE the company I posted above! I have sadly learned that they are NOT legit. They're a SCAM.

Stay away from ***www*careerexperts*org***

Anonymous said...

that's an interesting post

Anonymous said...

thats great!!

Heimer said...

That's actually very clever. 50% of the time they mess up your order and give you the wrong thing.

Resume Search said...

nice shot: y u do that man.... y u always make fun of others: where were you before... i like the way you describe the things :)

Estate Agent Jobs said...

If theyt can sell their experience in Starbucks using their creativity then i think THAT is a marketable skill in itself!