Thursday, October 26, 2006

The terror of translation software

"Am to think in exercise to my career of Engineer Electromecânic in kingdom and am to send him my curriculum to some companies among the whom to your. company

Stay to await the better proposal.
Go To send him my curriculum in Portuguese for be one curriculum very technician.

Of this form Find good him curriculum be translated in your office, so that him understand well.
Some doubts contact me.

I write and speak ingles but for work Very in Portugal this wants use, is
one subject of one month in Land for adaptation."

I appreciate that his English is probably still better than my Portuguese, but this is still pretty funny.

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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

lol im portuguese and i think he used the google translator! some words are plain portuguese, probably a bit adulterated... very funny, would love to get one of those!