Tuesday, May 19, 2009


There are many skills which are useful in the workplace. Some we learn after years of practice, some we learn when we start our careers and some we learn in education.
I'm not sure however, if the ones we learn in pre-school are particularly relevant.

"Analytical & Problem Solving skills * As a child, I always enjoyed building jigsaw puzzles and was always determined to find the missing piece."

He does not go on to mention that he has successfully given up his blanket, and no longer pisses his pants. Perhaps we shall never know.

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Laura Brasnan said...

There are many options in the life for survival, you chose only that way which you like and your passion.Sometime neither you academic nor your professional qualification work. only your personal ability take you on height.

Anonymous said...


Resume Search said...

u r funny man!!! well if he telling the analytical skill then let him write dude!!! :)

Resume Writing said...

Very funny!!
In life we keep on learning and we grow as a human being. There are so many positive personality traits we can add to our resume. But I am afraid we can't add everything. We can write them in different words as you have written about analytical skills. :)

Wilmerdon said...

Do these dumbs actually get hired????

jobcentre said...

A resume is the first and last identification of a job seeker embedded in a format of clear-cut and short paper crafted for a specific job profile. A how to write a resume help is a topic of weight and thus, its importance increases manifold when subjected to resume samples. Since, it contains all the essential information containing to your education qualification, skills sets, potentials and work history, & with the correct usage of it, you can win the job profile applied for, comprehensively.

Easy Preparation said...

Nice one..i enjoyed to read it..hope for addition in future...


Majid Ali said...

Many of my clients either don’t have a resume when they come to me because they’ve never needed one to get a job, or haven’t updated their resume for years. Either way, they’re completely at a loss resume cover letter as to how today’s power executive resume needs to look and read.